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Range of bipolar drivers for the control of low-to-medium power two-phase stepper motors


Range of bipolar drivers for the control of low-to-medium power two-phase stepper motors

WRSTEP is a range of bipolar drivers for the control of low-to-medium power two-phase stepper motors.

Managed by an 8-bit PIC 16F870 microcontroller, they enable the independent generation of steps in different modes of operation which may be set by means of dip-switches:
• Each time they are activated they perform a set number of steps before stopping
• Continuous operation via Enable input
• Start-stop operation
• Operation with external clock
• The program installed also makes it possible to:
• Select the operating mode – whole step, half-step, quarter-step, eighth-step
• Select the nominal current
• Vary the speed via an internal or external potentiometer or an analogue 0-10 Vcc signal
• Change the direction through an external signal
• Activate/Deactivate the acceleration/deceleration ramps
• Select a range of operation speeds
• Select the current via a dip-switch
• Reduce stand-by current automatically when the machine is not operating
All input signals are optically shielded and controllable by open collector logics of the NPN or PNP type, depending on the software installed.

The strong aluminium heatsink allows for perfect heat dissipation and easy assembly.
They are particularly suitable for controlling the movement of unwinders, rewinders and of positioning systems.

Technical features STEP 15 STEP 40
Operating voltage in dc: da 16 Vcc a 40 Vcc da 16 Vcc a 40 Vcc
Operating voltage in ac: da 12 Vca a 28 Vca da 12 Vca a 28 Vca
Maximum current: 2 A 4 A
PWM frequency: 20 KHZ 20 KHZ
Dimensions in mm: 60x127x60 (H) 60x144x60 (H)

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