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Label control unit for labelling machines


Label control unit for labelling machines

WRPICO LABEL is the solution that offers the best price/performance ratio for the control of labelling machines with stepper motors, particularly suitable for speeds of up to 40 metres per minute. Manufactured on a single card, it is based on an 8-bit microprocessor that can manage 8 opto-insulated NPN inputs and 8 Open Collector NPN outputs, of which one relay, or, in the more advanced version, 16 opto-insulated NPN or PNP inputs and 16 Open Collector NPN outputs, of which two relays.


WRPICO LABEL interfaces with the operators via a 4-figure, 7-segment display and 4 LED indicators. Settings are made through a scrolling menu which allows working formats to be stored.

In the basic version, the software installed allows the following functions to be set and managed:
• Work by setting the product speed via the keypad, or by label detection via an encoder mechanically connected to the conveyor.
• Start delay, expressed in millimetres, to set the position of the label on the product.
• Predistribution to position the edge of the label on the peeler bar.
• Set-up of the start and stop ramps for starting and stopping the step motor.
• Counter display of the labelled products, with stop at the end of the set production run.
• Automatic recovery of missing label with setup of the labels queue between the stop photocell and the peeler bar.
• Management of end-of-roll and near-end-of-roll warning.
• Application of several labels on the same product with adjustment of the position of each label on the product.
• Management of printing time.

WRPICO PRINT is the ideal solution for the creation of printing and application systems. Available with a built-in feeder or with direct feed from the printers, provided these can supply +5V and +24V.


WRPICO PRINT interfaces perfectly with the most popular printers on the market such as ZEBRA, TEC, SATO, CAB etc. In the basic version, the software installed makes it possible to set and manage the following functions:
• Selection of the operating cycle from the 5 available.
• Apply piston command with settable delay
• Air assist valve command for the support of label
• Vacuum valve command
• Air jet valve command with adjustable duration
• Printing signal to the printer.
• Reception of end-of-print signal
• Printer warning
• Emergency button
• Presence of label on suction plate
• Counter display of the labelled products
• End-of-cycle signal
• Display of error type

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